Midlife Loves

"Timeless everyday style"

Midlife Loves

WIW - Signature Style

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my midlife fashion, Isabel Marant Etoile blouse, j crew sip on mules, j crew 8 inch toothpick jeans

Blouse - Isabel Marant Etoile
Jeans - J Crew
Shoes - J Crew

Happy Friday ladies.  I think it's safe to say one of signature looks is a pretty blouse & jeans combo so today I'm wearing just that!

Shop My Style

Blouse - Mango
Jeans - Marks & Spencer
Shoes - Dune

Roll on vino o'clock!  See you tomorrow.

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  1. Loving this casual outfit, and the shoes...oh my!

    1. Yup hubby wasn't keen on the shoes when they first arrived but I just love them! Glad it's not just me :-)
      Stay safe Deb.
      Jane xx


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