Just before hitting the big four-0 I finally had to have glasses for short sightedness, something which I've been borderline for, for several years & which considering I spend so much of my days working on a screen is probably nothing of a surprise. However, with the prescription came the dilemma of what style of glasses to go for. Unlike other accessories glasses aren't something that are considered cheap to replace & update so it took a good hour to deliberate over the style & colour of frame before the order was placed.
Fast forward a year & a half & since getting used to wearing glasses I've long been saying I fancied going for a slightly darker & larger frame but have always put it off thinking if I need a different prescription when my eyes are next tested I would look into it then. However, I was recently approached by Firmoo an online store that supplies a vast variety of eyewear (both normal glasses as well as sunglasses) at fantastic prices & ships not only to the UK but America & Europe too.
Now I will admit to being a little wary of agreeing to this post as the thought of choosing a pair of glasses online without being able to pop into a store to check that the shape & style suited me was extremely daunting. But after explaining my concerns to the people at Firmoo they were confident that with the use of their Virtual Look Viewer I'd be able to pick the right frames & so, on the understanding that this (as all my posts) would be an honest review I decided to give it a go as I thought it would be an interesting experiment & potentially give you a good laugh!
So how did I find it - well to be honest extremely easy & yes the virtual look viewer did a great job. All I had to do was set up an account, take a picture of myself via my computer's camera & then when viewing the various styles of glasses an image of me wearing that particular style automatically appeared on the left of the screen.
As you can imagine I had much fun virtually trying on lots of different styled, coloured & shaped glasses & because each frame has detailed information on the size of frame, weight etc I was able to compare the measurements with my existing frames too. In the end I decided to go for the following glasses in black gloss (bottom pair).
Getting the correct prescription lenses couldn't have been easier either - all I had to do was copy the six figures from my prescription card that I'd been issued with at my last eye appointment and get my hubby to roughly measure the distance from pupil to pupil. Then I just had to choose the type of lenses I required & sit back & wait for them to arrive.
One of the reasons that the glasses are so affordable is because not only are there no overheads like high street retailers but the lenses & frames are purchased directly from manufacturers overseas. With this in mind I was expecting to have to wait a couple of weeks for my glasses to arrive but within six days of ordering the glasses were delivered to my door & not only did they come with a case, pouch & cloth they also came with an extremely handy screwdriver for tightening the glasses, which is not only useful for those worn on an everyday basis but I've also got a couple of pairs of sunglasses that could do with tightening up but I've never had a screwdriver small enough.
I'm absolutely delighted with my new glasses & love both the shape & style. They're exactly what I had in mind when ordering, plus an added bonus is they're much lighter frame to my old frames & the process really couldn't of been easier.
So after a fun night at the quiz where wonders will never cease & we didn't come last (whoop whoop)!!! I'm keeping today's outfit nice & simple with an oversized shirt & pleather leggings teamed with my chunky pearl necklace.
Pearl Necklace - Zara
Shirt - Zara
Pleather Leggings - Zara
Boots - Boden
Pearl Necklace - Marks & Spencer £18
Shirt - Next £24
Pleather Leggings - Mango £34.99
Boots - Boden Currently £107.10
So what do you think of the new glasses? Do you have to wear glasses & if so how many pairs of glasses do you own? I'd love to know if you like to have several styles to co-ordinate with different looks/occasions or like me have you restricted yourself to the one pair due to cost? I have to admit to being really impressed with the service from Firmoo & due to their low costs would definitely consider getting a couple of different pairs as it's nice to have a bit of variety. Plus if you're interested in giving them a go then if you click here you'll get 50% off your first pair - happy days :-)
Right I'm off to enjoy the last of the Easter holidays as we're all back to work & school tomorrow :-( Cue films, fire & copious amounts of chocolate :-0
Have a fab Sunday & as always I love reading your comments & thoughts.
Have a fab Sunday & as always I love reading your comments & thoughts.

I've heard good things about this company. Thanks for the inside scoop
I'm really impressed by them Miranda & would certainly order from them again.
DeleteJane xx
I've worn glasses since I was 13, so have had many styles over the years! I now have to wear varifocals and due to the high cost definitely only have one pair at a time. I think my last pair cost me over £300!
ReplyDeleteOuch Sam that's a lot of money, it would be interesting to see how much you'd save ordering with Firmoo as I presume it would be a considerable amount.
DeleteJane xx
They look great on you! I've worn glasses since I was 3 and practically all the time as I have to. So I make up for it by having four different pairs to play with :) I do like the way they can change a whole look. Virtually trying them on is a great idea! X
ReplyDeleteI think if I had to wear them all the time I'd have to have a few pairs too Jane to reflect my mood & what I was wearing. Are your four pairs all different in style & colour?
DeleteJane xx
I've worn glasses since I was 12 & would love a drawer full of different styles but due to them generally costing well over £200 a pair, it's not an option :(
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely take a look at Firmoo though, they sound great! X
Glasses are so expensive aren't they Sarah, but it's definitely worth taking a look at Firmoo as they seem considerably cheaper.
DeleteJane xx
Super specs Jane! I've used Firmoo before, they are excellent value and the service was great, very speedy delivery! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Michelle, did you use their Virtual Look Viewer to help you decide which pair? I couldn't believe how quickly they arrived!
DeleteJane xx
I have two pairs of glasses but I've never considered buying them online. I do like to try them on instore. Yours look great! Lynne xx
ReplyDeleteIt's not something I would have thought to do either Lynne but having had such a good experience I'd definitely do it again.
DeleteJane xx
I've needed glasses for reading for the last few years and recently switched to varifocals to avoid taking them on and off all the time as they are soooooo expensive I only have one pair but have also started using multi focal contacts which I'm loving!! Nicola/brumblodwyn
ReplyDeleteHi Nicola glad to hear you're loving contacts. They're the one thing I'm not sure I could get used to as I'm quite squeamish & I'm not sure I'd be able to take them out. Did it take time to get used to? I'm sure I'd end up with then pinging across the floor & loosing them lol.
DeleteJane xx
They take a bit of getting used to and you can get a free trial from most opticians eg Vision Express. I'm getting much better at taking them in and out and I like the freedom the give you! Nicola x
DeleteWow I didn't realise you could have a free trial Nicola & I suppose if my eyes deteriorate to the extent I'm having to wear glasses more it would be something I'd look into. I suppose like anything practice makes perfect from a point of view of putting them in & taking them out.
DeleteJane xx
Wow, you really look great with those awesome frames on. I have never actually needed glasses before until now. I just noticed that my vision was pretty bad, and I'm going to go in to see an optometrist this week. Would you recommend glasses over contacts? http://www.johnmountfordoptometrist.com.au/services.html
ReplyDeleteHi Emily I'm afraid I've not tried contacts but prefer the ease of glasses - hope that helps!
DeleteJane xx
this is a very nice and helpful information is very interesting Salsa Philadelphia classes