1 no. Pair of shorts - see here
Morning ladies seeing as we're off on holiday tomorrow (whoop whoop!) I thought today would be a good day to talk holiday packing & to share with you what I intend to take away with me this year. Long term followers may recall that I've shared similar posts here, here, here & here.
For me dresses are always the way to go for summer holidays & travelling light as you don't have to worry about what tops go with which bottoms etc & you can simply change your look by mixing with different accessories. Plus when in hotter climates a simple one piece is so much cooler to wear & at home we probably all don't wear dresses as much as we'd like to so it also makes a nice change.
We stay in a hotel when we visit Majorca & people tend to generally dress for breakfast so as well as poolside attire & something to wear of an evening I also take daytime outfits that will be worn to breakfast & if we're out & about in the day.
As you can see from the list above this is what I'm planning on taking for the day & I've linked to items that are either the same of similar to the clothing I'm planning on wearing.
1 no. Sunglasses - similar here
1 no. Swimsuit - see here
1 no. Flip flops - see here
Now during the daytime I can generally be found horizontal on a sunlounger either reading a book, enjoying the sunshine or having forty winks so it's all about the swimwear & a kaftan or two to throw on when up & about. Above is what I'm packing this year.
Then of an evening I find it's nice to dress up a bit, so as I've said earlier it's all about the dresses. I'm planning on taking six away with me this year, last year I took seven & I could easily manage on five but I find it's always nice to have a few choices.
Back to today & there's lots to do in terms of all those last minute jobs & things to pack that you can't do until the last day & of course the all important mani & pedi :-) So in honour the holidays starting tomorrow I'm breaking out the white jeans....although if today's weather forecast is right I won't be needing my sun hat!
Top - Marks & Spencer
Jeans - Zara
Panama - Marks & Spencer
Trainers - Golden Goose
Top - Marks & Spencer
Jeans - Marks & Spencer
Panama - Marks & Spencer
Trainers - Marks & Spencer
So ladies anyone have any tips for packing they want to share? Are you a dress kind of girl when enjoying the sunshine on holiday or do you prefer to take a few separates that you can mix & match as you hate the idea of only having a handful of dresses to wear over the course of a couple of weeks? As always I'm keen to hear your views & learn any useful tips. Plus if you're looking to make some swimwear purchases then do check out Coco Bay, who offer a brilliant selection of swimwear, kaftans, beach dresses & accessories. Plus use code JANE15 to get 15% off all purchases including sale :-)
Right I'd better get on as we're up at silly o'clock in the morning so the earlier I can finish tonight the more chance of grabbing a few hours beauty sleep. Don't forget I'll shortly be placing a further order for the hyaluronic gel & triple retinol cream, so just contact me here if you're interested. Cost per item is £35.95 plus postage.
Enjoy your day ladies & I'll see you in the morning.

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