Midlife Loves

"Timeless everyday style"

Midlife Loves

Day 2 - WIW

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Morning ladies so needless to say there's a hundred & one things to do today, so here's what I'm planning on wearing.

Shop My Style

Blazer - Marks & Spencer
Breton - Boden
Jeans - Boden
Ballet Pumps - Hobbs

I'll pop my actual outfit on Instagram here & I'll be back in the morning with my next planned outfit.

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  1. Good luck on your move what an adventure Bonne Chance

    1. Thank you so much H - it's all very surreal at the moment!
      Jane xx

  2. Tout ira bien, chère Jane.
    Nous vous accueillerons bien. :-) ( Une femme aussi bien habillée est bien reçue partout.)


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