Midlife Loves

"Timeless everyday style"

Midlife Loves

WIW - Block Colour

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Isabel Marant Etoile frill detail blouse, mymidlifefashion, golden goose superstar low top leather ponyskin trainers, Isabel Marant Etoile faux leather trousers

Morning ladies - it's my birthday today!  So whilst hubby's out at work, I'm off out exploring & celebrating with our son as you no don't all know by now how much I love a birthday :-)

So for a day of mooching with the dogs isa a simple all black look with a splash of bet.

Shirt - Isabel Marant Etoile
Leggings - Isabel Marant Etoile
Trainers - Golden Goose

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Leggings - Next
Trainers - Boden

Have a good one lovelies & I'll see you tomorrow.

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  1. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy your day and upcoming year in your new adventure!

    1. Thanks so much Deb. Have a wonderful weekend.
      Jane xx


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