Midlife Loves

"Timeless everyday style"

Midlife Loves

Summer Stripes + WIW - Stripes With A Pop Of Red

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Morning ladies.  So we all love a stripe or two don't we & come the arrival of the sunshine that doesn't change.  So today I thought I'd feature my top stripes from the high street for summer.   As always just click on any of the individual images for more details.

Back to today & it's a simple Sunday look with a pop of red & some stripe inspiration from today's post.

my midlife fashion, Chinti and Parker cream navy Breton heart sweater, aurora London Gigi bag, j crew 8 inch toothpick skinny jeans, French sole Henrietta ballet pumps

Jumper - Chinti & Parker
Jeans - J Crew
Shoes - French Sole

Shop My Style

Jumper - Chinti & Parker
Bag - Longchamp
Shoes - Boden

Enjoy your day & I'll see you tomorrow.

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  1. Stripes never go out of fashion. I am thinking of buying something now. Thanks for sharing these beautiful summer outfits.

    1. Yes they're always in fashion aren't they Caroline - they're just timeless.
      Jane xx


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