Midlife Loves

"Timeless everyday style"

Midlife Loves

Something New!

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This is something I’ve been plucking up the courage to hit ‘publish’ for a long time now.

As much as I love writing my fashion blog (& won’t be stopping anytime soon!), life is so much more than just fashion, so with this in mind I’ve set up a Substack account where I’ll still be talking fashion but also beauty, health, interior styling tips, sharing new finds, recipes, cocktails, latest reads & just life in general here in the South of France.

My aim is to grow a community of us ‘midlife’ ladies that can become online friends sharing all our tips & tricks.

I’d love it, if you’d give it a read & if there’s anything you want me to cover let me know. Just click here to read my first post.

Have a great weekend & I’ll be back soon.

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