Midlife Loves

"Timeless everyday style"

Midlife Loves

New Beauty Products + WIW - How To Wear Green

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my midlife fashion, ark skincare nutmeg cinnamon and clove luxury home candle, ark skincare firming serum, ark skincare triple action exfoliator, ark skincare intensive hand and nail cream

Morning ladies, you might recall that I've previously trialled some ARK Skincare products (see here & here), all of which I was really impressed by.  So I was delighted to be recently asked if there were any other products that I fancied trying out.

There were a few pieces on my wish list that I've been wanting to try, which you can see photographed above, all of which I've been using for just over a month now & like the previous products I've used I'm really pleased with the results that I'm seeing.

ark skincare nutmeg, cinnamon and clove luxury home candle

The first item their luxury Nutmeg, Cinnamon & Clove Candle, whilst not a beauty product as such is extremely therapeutic & quite simply is the scent of Christmas.  

As soon as I lit the candle it immediately got me thinking all things Christmas.  It's beautiful warm & spicy aroma instantly fills the room, so even after blowing the candle out the scent lingers for a good while longer.  Plus with a burn time of 50 hours I'm looking forward to using this when the Christmas tree & decorations go up in the next couple of weeks & will definitely enjoy lighting it on Christmas Day.

ark skincare triple action exfoliator

The second item I received is their Triple Action Exfoliator.  

Designed to help create smooth skin by diminishing skin imperfections whilst promoting radiant & youthful skin, I was immediately impressed from my initial use to note that whilst you could feel the micro particles working their magic, there was no dragging or pulling of the skin.  Instead it felt light & gentle on my face & left my skin felt extremely silky & smooth.  However, a huge plus & something  I hadn't expected to see even after that first application was the immediate after glow.

The exfoliator is part of their 'Skinperfector' range so it can be used by all ages & will target various areas of concern from helping to dimish the appearance of acne scars to reducing the look of wrinkles.  So definitely a new  favourite that I've been using religiously twice a week since receiving it.

ark skincare firming serum

Immediately after washing off the exfoliator it's advisable to moisturise the skin & in an effort to help with signs of ageing, the other skin product I wanted to try was their Firming Serum.  

Designed to target loss of elasticity, fine lines & wrinkles this product contains biomimetic lipopeptide to treat sagging skin & help improve resistance to gravity by promoting the skin's elastic fibre architecture.  Together with delivering an instant tightening effect as well as locking in moisture.  

I'm always wary of applying too many products to my skin as I hate to feel as if I'm overloading my skin but this serum instantly sinks into my face & feels extremely light to wear.  Plus it can either be applied directly to the skin or mixed in with your moisturiser. 

ark skincare intensive hand and nail cream

The final product I received was their Intensive Hand & Nail Cream.  

With all the renovations & work we're undertaking on our new home, it's safe to say my hands & nails are desperately in need of a little added TLC, so this product is just perfect.  Not only designed to reinforce the skin's natural moisture barrier, the hand cream will also sooth irritated & dry hands, target brown spots & help encourage strong & healthy looking nails.  Plus for anyone like me who hates the feel of greasy hands, this cream instantly sinks in, brightening & smoothing my hands & nails.  Applying this product to my hands is now the last thing I do at night before turning out the lights.

Back to today & it's a simple jeans & jumper kind of day with a pop of green & some heeled ankle boots for a spot of glamour.

my midlife fashion, Amelia greencash jumper, j crew 8 inch toothpick jeans, marks and Spencer velvet kitten heel ankle boots

Jumper - Baukjen * get 20% off with code MYMIDLIFE20
Jeans - J Crew
Boots - Marks & Spencer *

Shop My Style

Jeans - Hush
Boots - Boden

Have a fab day & I'll see you tomorrow.

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